Tattoo Removal Myths Debunked

Tattoo removal is not an easy process at many levels. There might as well be many reasons why you may want to remove a tattoo. If the tattoo is the manifestation of your love for your partner, then you may want to remove it after a bad break-up. One can well gauge the emotional roller coaster that you're probably confounded by. You may want to remove it just because you don't like it any more.

Whatever the reason is, you cannot help but think that the money that you had spent on your first tattoo has actually been wasted. Then there are the immediate thoughts of the physical pain that you are hounded by.

A qualified cosmetologist will tell you that laser tattoo removal has proved to be one of the most successful applications in recent times. People, however, still believe that laser tattoo removal is painful. That's definitely a fallacy. We will learn more about this one and other tattoo removal myths right here!

#Myth 1: Tattoo removal creams work just fine That's just not the case. Talking about pro fad or wrecking balm or rejuvithere is actually no evidence that these creams actually work when it comes to tattoo removal. These creams are known to include abrasive chemicals and bleach that merely mask or cover the tattoo but do not really remove the same. You have to understand that your tattoo ink has already settled deep on your dermis and as such it becomes very difficult for mere creams to remove the same. These creams are not really effective to seep in through the layers.

#Myth 2: Laser tattoo removal is painful and it will leave behind a scar Quality laser tattoo removal does not leave behind a scar. It should not. Laser targets the secondary layer of your skin penetrating the first layer which contains the colour pigment. Even if there are minor scars they shouldn't really bother you much.

#Myth 3: The New Tattoos cannot be removed Though this particular belief is not totally unfounded, it must be remembered that it is not totally true as well. Fresh tattoos at times might as well be accompanied by small scars. However, totally new tattoos can be treated if the region is completely healed and there are no scabs. In fact, new tattoos are easier to remove because the ink is yet to settle down deeply on the second layer of your skin. So, before feeding on those misconceptions regarding tattoo removal, make sure you're actually educating yourself about these myths and be duly informed about this. Dr. Megha Modi, Consultant Cosmetologist, MBBS, MD (Gold Medalist).

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